
Together, building hope

Discover the proud builders of hope who help us to create positive and sustainable change for mental illness.

The members of our Board of Trustees are proud builders of hope whose ambition is to forever change the face of mental health in Quebec. Their work drives lasting and sustainable change for all those who suffer from mental illness.

Laura Fish

President and Chief Executive Officer

“I am proud to contribute to the exceptional story being written within these walls. Even more importantly, I am confident that the advancements made by the Douglas team will forever change the face of mental illness. We know where we need to go, but we need your help to get there. Support the Douglas Foundation and help us to build hope for everyone who is suffering.”

Philippe Fortier

Chair of the Board of Trustees

“I feel privileged to support the growth of the Douglas Foundation by ensuring the sustainability of the programs and services offered at the Douglas Institute and contributing to the advancement of mental health research. I admire the international expertise of our dedicated team, which works continuously to improve the treatment of mental illness and to build hope for all those who suffer and their families.”


Philippe Adam
Chief Executive Officer, Pomerleau
See LinkedIn profile
Jessi Carrier
Vice-President, Colliers Hotels
See LinkedIn profile
Caroline Côté
Vice-President, Funds, Private Markets, CDPQ
See LinkedIn profile
Valérie Durand
Head of IR and Corporate Sustainability, Air Canada
See LinkedIn profile
Philippe Fortier
Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary, WSP
See LinkedIn profile
Isabelle Garon
Senior Vice President Marketing, Communications, Cooperation and Office of the President, Desjardins
See LinkedIn profile
Marc Giguère
Partner, DHR Global
See LinkedIn profile
Jean-Nicolas Guillemette
Chief Operations Officer, Dialogue
See LinkedIn profile
Najia Hachimi-Idrissi
Associate President and CEO, Integrated Operations Management, IUHSSC Montreal West Island
See LinkedIn profile
Maude Leblond
Head and Managing Director, Financial Institutions Group, Investment Banking at National Bank Financial
See LinkedIn profile
Carl Magnan
Audit and Assurance Partner, Deloitte
See LinkedIn profile
Brett Miller
CEO, Canderel
See LinkedIn profile
Tina Scalia
Première Directrice Générale, CFS Finance, RBC
See LinkedIn profile
Véronique Talbot
Managing Director, Energy Infrastructure, Power Sustainable
See LinkedIn profile
Maxime Turcotte
Partner, Stikeman Elliott LLP
See LinkedIn profile
Dr. Gustavo Turecki
Ph.D, Scientific Director of the Douglas Research Centre and Chief of Psychiatry, IUHSSC Montreal West Island
Roxanne Williams
Vice-President Corporate Finance & Treasurer, Agropur
See LinkedIn profile
Natacha Zénié
Senior Manager – Head of Investment Operations and Sustainable Investing, CN Investment Division
See LinkedIn profile