Building Hope

Every gift counts

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Audrey Marie-Claire Stella Juliette Jocelyn Benoit Cynthia Sébastien Joseph Christelle

0 Donors supported Building Hope – The movement

Together, building hope.


International vision and impact

The Douglas Institute is internationally recognized for the quality of its research, patient care and teaching. We are an establishment dedicated to pioneering treatment for mental illness, whether through innovative approaches to care or because of medical and scientific breakthroughs. Our team is focused on preventing suffering and ensuring that patients can lead full lives.

Supporting the Douglas Foundation’s mission allows us to…

Better understand

what causes mental illness in order to prevent it;


treatment and access to mental health services;


the public and break the stigma around mental illness;


knowledge with other stakeholders;


hope for each person that suffers from mental illness and their families.

Every action we take today alleviates suffering and builds hope for tomorrow.

The Honorable Roméo A. Dallaire
Ambassador of the Douglas Foundation
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